News Release

Asia North Area Calendar Art Festival!  
Let your light shine through art!  

Online submissions will be accepted beginning on July 1st, 2023.


The Asia North Area is excited to announce its first ever Area Calendar Art Festival! They are looking for artwork reflecting the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.  

Online submissions will be accepted beginning on July 1st, 2023. All submissions will be approved and exhibited online on the area church websites. Selected pieces will be used in creating the Asia North Area Calendar for 2024 and will be featured on official area social media channels to share our love for Jesus Christ with the world.   

This Area Calendar Art Festival is open to all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with connections to the Asia North Area (Japan, Korea, Guam/Micronesia, Mongolia) as well as friends who also love the Savior.  

Artwork representing a variety of cultural and aesthetic traditions, styles, and artistic media are welcome. Media may include painting, drawing, textile art, photography, printmaking, and traditional and folk art, etc. (Formats such as music, video, dance are not applicable.)  

Each artist may submit no more than 2 pieces of art. All submissions must be original creations by the person submitting. All artwork must be submitted in digital photography format  

For further information and submission forms please click on this link:  

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